Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Doctor -Teacher - Mentor - Friend

There's tons of titles in life, some are achieved others are earned. The term Doctor is earned with a lot of education and dedication. For the purpose of my story this title can be used for both a father and a son. There was a family that just lived around the corner from us during the growing up years. The father was a professor at the local University and had his Doctorate - thus earning the title. The son was one of my friends and went on to medical school and then specialized in Orthopedics. When curtain people meet them on the street they would address them as Doctor. I've learned a lot over the years from these two great men and would consider each of them a great influences in my life - but neither of them has ever served me in their doctoring capacities. The son's first title of the listed possibilities was friend - but he's taught me a lot as well. He's the young man I mentioned in the story "Fish" that beat us all to the draw, thus receiving the coveted prize. More as a hobby this family had a farm about twenty minutes outside of town and once in a while I would go there to help. The first time I went my friend told me to pick up a stick and follow him. We went over to a grain bin and when he opened it up there were three or four mice running for cover - we proceeded to use the stick before they could escape. On that same visit we both happened to need to take a pee at the same time. Instead of going back to the house he said let's just go over here out of the way. Now why in the heck would I bring this up - well he forgot to tell me that we were standing in front of an electric fence. Of course he knew, making sure that he was really careful. It didn't take long for me to understand that liquid is a great conductor of electricity. I didn't go to the farm that often, and there were times the family went and my friend stayed home as well. I don't know all of the details but he didn't think his parents were coming home one night. When they did, they decided to make sure he was in bed. As they looking in him room, in a half unconscious state, he thought someone had broken into the house. Instead of running past them or opening the window - he just did a swan dive through the glass on to the bushes and made a mad bash for our house. Back in those days no one ever locked the doors and he came right in and woke us up. So two of my older brothers, myself and my friend started for his house with bats and what ever else we could find as weapons to see what was going on. As we were crossing the street his dad drove up trying to find the sleeping escape artist. The father was always a great teacher and mentor for all of us kids - he was one of the scout leaders mentioned in "Nude People" and was always finding a way to let us know what was right, but more importantly he always made us feel good about ourselves and the accomplishment we archived.

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