Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Disneyland for Adults

I love the big city – not only can you find anything you want, but you can also find anything you don’t want as well. My family loves Disneyland, and if we are taking the kids that is one of our first destination locations. Now when my wife reads this she will roll her eyes, because she thinks we should go at least once a year. I think if we go anywhere every four of five years that is great. Even as much as they like it, none of them would want to live there. This is the same with the big city, I love to visit but I don’t want to live there. I’ve been to most large cities is the U.S. and its hard to pick one over the other. I love Seattle despite the rain, I think Boston is one of the greatest walking cities in America, who doesn’t like the pier and to ride the cable cars in San Francisco and the one time we went to Chicago it was great. But by far my favorite is the Big Apple – New York City. I’ve said for years its Disneyland for Adults. The similarities are uncanny. Disneyland is split up in five sections, as is New York. In both locations you can get some type of food at every turn. There is plenty of entertainment for every age group – well New York doesn’t have as much for the little kids as Disneyland. The first time I went to New York I stayed for three weeks straight. That was in the 80’s and the subways had more graffiti than Dennis Rodman. It took one of my counterparts more than a week to convince me to go to Broadway Show. I had been to our High School musical at home and fallen asleep in the first act. Well these weren’t the same kids that were in our musical – man could they sing and dance and they didn’t even forget the words. I have been back every time I go to New York. I have also been in New York on Easter morning and seen the Easter parade – if you can call it a parade. There were a lot of characters and I was sad I didn’t have my autograph book to get a few of the princess signatures. I saw some guy in Greenwich Village that seemed as happy as Mickey – but we didn’t want to get our picture taken with him. I’ve received a lot of advice on what to do or not do during my time here – some of that advice has been good. We were told about the greatest deli in the world – we walked for two hours just to see more of the city, when we arrived it was very good but just like the other five thousand deli’s we had passed along the way. Once my wife and I were invited to go to New York for a couple of days. We decided to extend our trip for a little longer. We were put up in one of the most historical and expensive hotels, when we were on our own dime we needed to find a more affordable dwelling, Because of our baggage we took a taxi the few block to our new hotel that had a wonderful view of a brick wall only a few feet away. The taxi ride reminded me of the Alice in Wonderland ride, it was a little jerky and our driver we very colorful. The only words we could understand were directed to the other taxis and the people trying to cross the streets. One time there were four of us, walking in Time Square when a camera crew asked us if we wanted to be on a commercial. They took us to a side street and gave us our line; the commercial was for the Tonight Show when they were going head to head with David Letterman. They didn’t ask us which one we liked the best, but we saw it back home a number of times. With this same four we went to the Letterman show and one of our party got chosen to play know your current events – of course she chose know your cuts of meat so we could hall home some prime steaks the next day. This place is amazing! It was a spiritual experience for me to visit ground zero and to understand what took place there as hundreds of firefighters and policeman gave their lives in hopes of saving another. Everyone should visit the statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to understand how blessed me are to be Americans and what sacrifices others made to live the American dream.

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