Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Young looking Wife

I know it’s everyone’s dream to find someone that they love, which makes them feel important and complete. It’s also great if you think they are drop dead gorgeous. Now most women don’t think they look that great, even if they do. People for the most part spend too much time concentrating on their shortcomings than they should. The exceptions to this rule are the ones that know or think they are beautiful: usually they have a whole other set of problems. My wonderful wife has many beautiful traits, one of which is her youthful appearance. This is exaggerated by the fact I look ten years older than my age. Now as far as I know this is every woman’s dream. If someone makes an idiot of himself or herself over your age, you always want them to make you younger, not older. I just wish people thought I was my own age. Maybe subconsciously this is why I ask so immature. Multiple times my wife has been mistaken as my daughter or even my kids as grandchildren. I wonder if some have thought I ‘m a dirty old man hanging out with a young chick. At least people will think I’m rich, since that’s the first think people think when the see an older man with a beautiful younger woman. They may think that is the case until they see us get into my ten-year-old Chrysler minivan. Is that a perfect chick magnet? Despite the dent in the back, the broken windshield and the fact the window won’t roll down on the passenger side, it not a bad vehicle. I guess the biggest problem is that even my wife doesn’t like to be seen in it. If it’s not my money then I must really have a great personality, or she has a Mother Teresa complex and is trying to save some other soul from this fate. My guess is the personality, or should I say my hope. Just this past week she was accused of being too young to be the real mother of our oldest child. Believe me, she was there and she was the one giving birth - I have the nail prints to prove it. Our dentist is a wonderful considerate man, but my wife didn’t understand how he knew her father on her first visit when he lived more than five hundred miles away. After a short time she realized he was talking about me! If I look ten years older and she looks ten years younger – I guess this is understandable. A number of years ago my wife was a adult supervisor at a girls camp, at one point the girls were having so much fun that the serious campers thought they must be unsupervised. They reprimanded the young women and then asked where their leader was- she raised her hand as she was sitting in the middle of the girls. Of course that was twenty years ago and I’m sure the lady that accused her of being one of the young women could recognize her now as an adult from her assisted living center. I’m sure you can tell one of the reasons I’m attracted to my wife. But, I agree, I’m not really sure why she seems to love old men.

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